Do you know who your advisor is?
When you enter the graduate program, the Graduate School assigned you a default temporary advisor. For our department, that person is typically Dr. Dzikus as the KRSS Director of Graduate Studies. Most likely, however, Dr. Dzikus will not be your actual advisor. It is your responsibility to ask a faculty member in your area of concentration/specialization to serve as your advisor (aka major professor). You should identify that person as soon as possible. Your major professor is the person who will also sign off first on your coursework on the Admission to Candidacy Form.
See this passage in the KRSS Graduate Handbook :
Temporary Advisor and Major Professor
Master’s and doctoral students entering all programs in the department are assigned a temporary advisor who advises the student regarding courses. As early as possible, the student asks an eligible faculty member to serve as major professor. The major professor advises the student through his or her course study and facilitates communication within the department regarding the student.
The major professor (or temporary advisor) must approve the student’s courses each semester to ensure that adequate progress is made toward the degree.
The major professor will work with the student to identify appropriate potential committee members who are eligible to serve and can facilitate the student’s degree work. It is important that the graduate student stay in close contact with the major professor and committee throughout the duration of his or her graduate program.