University of Tennessee students, along with the collaboration of the Power of Play—Rocky Top Organization and the City of Knoxville Parks and Recreation, introduced this program in the spring of 2017. This event is for several target groups including: individuals who have multiple disabilities grades K-12 in Knox County Schools, these individuals’ family members and friends without disabilities, and school physical education teachers.
The objective behind the Funtastic Field Day is to have a program that has a greater reach to those with disabilities and to emphasize inclusion for all. Additionally, this program includes an educational component for school physical education teachers so that they can expand their knowledge on how to modify and adapt activities to meet the needs of those students with disabilities in their classrooms. The Funtastic Field Day, which is organized and conducted by UT undergraduate and graduate students, is a half-day program that is held in the Spring semester.
This event reached many families in our community and we are excited to see everyone again next year!
Contact Information
The Camp Koinonia
HPER Building 362
1914 Andy Holt Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996
Kelsey Phillips
HPER Building 357