Just a brief message to remind everyone that the deadline to RSVP for the Fall 2016 Graduate Hooding Ceremony has passed. Any graduating candidate who has not RSVP’d is welcome to attend, but they may not participate (they may not walk or be hooded).
Update: The Graduate school been getting some requests from students who have not RSVP’d for the Graduate Hooding Ceremony. To try to accommodate everyone, we will be accepting email or phone RSVP up until the day of the ceremony, so that as many graduate students as wish to walk can do so. We encourage anyone who still hasn’t RSVP’d to contact either Catherine Cox (cathcox@utk.edu / 974-1471) or Millie Cheatham (mcheatha@utk.edu / 974-0818) as soon as possible, so that we can make sure they’re on the list.