In July, Hollie Raynor was appointed associate dean for research for the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS). Over the past several years, Raynor served as the assistant dean for research on a 25% appointment. During this time, Raynor and her team made significant contributions to research and grantsmanship for CEHHS. Raynor’s appointment to this role puts crucial leadership in place to continue this work.
Raynor is a registered dietitian and a licensed clinical psychologist. Her research
focuses on improving interventions designed to help children and adults develop a
healthy lifestyle to improve weight status and to enhance overall health. Working
with community practice-based health, Raynor formed a partnership with Cherokee
Health Systems (CHS) which includes the development of a practicum allowing
students to provide nutrition counseling under supervision with patients receiving
primary care. She also established childhood obesity treatment intervention
programs funded by National Institute of Health in five of the CHS clinics.
Professional Development is also provided to health care providers at CHS in the
area of weight management through her intervention programs. These three areas
of engaged teaching, engaged research, and engaged service are reflective of her
research in lifestyle interventions for pediatric and adult weight management.
Raynor earned her MS in 1995 in Public Health Nutrition from University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, and her PhD from State University of New York at Buffalo in
2003 in Clinical Psychology. She holds a BS in Food and Nutrition from San Diego
State University. She joined the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences’
Department of Nutrition in 2007 and has published over 125 peer-reviewed articles
and has received funding from the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes
Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and Weight Watcher’s
Int. for her research.