The CEHHS Office of Research works with faculty to facilitate the submission of successful proposals for external funding of research, service, and instructional projects. Faculty planning to submit a proposal should contact this office early in the process for assistance with proposal development and logistical support. There are internal deadlines in addition to funding agency deadlines.
Proposals at UT are submitted for review and approval using TERA/PAMS, our electronic routing and approval system. Training in the use of this system is available from Bob or Kelly in CEHHS Research office and from Office of Research and Engagement.
For assistance with proposal development, please contact Bob Cargile or Kelly Steele.
- Information Needed for Proposals
- Graduate Student Fees
- Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (F&A)
- Compliance (conflict of interest, human subjects, animal use and care, responsible conduct of research, etc.)
- Institute for Assessment and Evaluation
- Proposal Budgets
- Cost Share
Links to useful proposal preparation information in the UT Office of Research and Engagement
- Grantseeker’s Toolkit
Identify an effective strategy for writing successful proposals. - Training and Workshops
Office of Research and Engagement offers free training and workshops - Faculty Development Team
Enhancing the research success of newer faculty and the number of major awards won by UT Faculty - Research Development Team
Forming research teams to identify and pursue large, strategic opportunities