Even though we can’t be together for commencement exercises right now, our Volunteer spirit unites us from across the country and around the world. Know that your Volunteer family is cheering for you today and every day. We are proud of your accomplishments. But we’re even more proud that you will represent the University of Tennessee for the rest of your life. Thank you for choosing UT and for spending these years with us. We hope you will come home to Rocky Top often and keep us up to date about you and your successes. Congratulations, and GO VOLS!
Please enjoy the pre-recorded video messages of congratulations and personalized slides highlighting our graduates. CEHHS will also be featured on UT’s Facebook and Twitter accounts on Saturday, May 9th at 5 PM. Please share your commencement photos and celebrations with us using #UTGrad2020.
Dear College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences Graduates:
First and foremost, congratulations! It is an incredible achievement to complete a college degree in normal circumstances, but it is an especially significant milestone given the challenges you all have faced this spring term. You have shown great perseverance and determination through unprecedented times, and we have an immense amount of respect for your considerable successes.
While we sincerely wish that we could celebrate with you in person at this time, we are glad that we are able to honor your achievements at least virtually until we can be together again in person. Today you join the ranks of a proud group of University of Tennessee alumni, and you will always be a part of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences family. Please stay in touch. We want to know how you are doing and the positive impacts we are sure you are destined to make in this world. You can find the college on Facebook and Instagram (@utk_cehhs), or follow us on Twitter (@UTKCEHHS).
Again, congratulations—and take time to celebrate this significant accomplishment. We are so proud of you.
Ellen McIntyre, Dean
Spring Graduates, 2020
Summer Graduates, 2020