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UT students teach Pond Gap Elementary students on Science Saturdays. Photo by Shawn Poynter.

What We Do

Regional Support

The Hub is part of a statewide network of community schools, the Tennessee Community Schools State Network (TCSSN), that includes organizations operating community schools in rural and metropolitan regions. TCSSN is dedicated to transforming schools into thriving community hubs where students, families, and local partners collaborate to promote education success and well-being. By leveraging our collective assets, we envision an opportunity to learn across differences and create context-specific professional learning communities. Complete the “Get Involved” form to join us in this work!

Rural Impact

Since 2021, the University of Tennessee has supported Morgan County Schools with implementing the community school model. Sunbright School serves students in Kindergarten-12th grade. UTK’s University-Assisted Community School model uses the Community Schools Forward Framework to support school transformation at Sunbright School. As a result of our partnership at Sunbright School, we have developed a robust partnership with Morgan County Schools to support the teachers, administrators, and district administration through various research-practice partnerships.


When we know better, we do better. The Hub serves as an evaluation partner for community school strategies that are looking to better understand their impact. Services include development of logic models, support for data collection and analysis, and facilitation of continuous improvement processes.


Community-based action research is essential in building relationships between school communities, higher education institutions, and community organizations. The Hub uses action research as a powerful tool to support community schools and generate data-driven insights into the strategy’s effectiveness. The Hub also partners with faculty interested in doing research in a school-based setting that aligns with the key practices of the community school model. We aim to foster mutually beneficial research partnerships by pairing faculty with community schools whose priorities align with research objectives.

Technical Assistance

The Hub aims to build the capacity of interested community organizations and school districts to operate the community school model. The Hub offers support for community organizations and school districts at all phases of community school implementation. We support organizations exploring readiness to implement the community school model and organizations interested in leveling up their community school’s operations. Additionally, we offer professional development on a variety of topics for community school coordinators and managers and school and district personnel. We are happy to develop personalized professional development to meet the needs of your staff or audience. Contact us to explore how The Hub might partner with your organization.