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UT students teach Pond Gap Elementary students on Science Saturdays. Photo by Shawn Poynter.

University-Assisted Community Schools

UACS, as well as community schools in general, are comprehensive neighborhood centers built on partnerships that educate, engage, activate and serve students, their families, and other members of the community. For neighborhood schools to function as community schools, they need additional human resources and support. Universities are particularly well-suited to be a lead partner in the creation, growth, and ongoing development of community schools, including providing academic, human, and material resources.  In this way, UACS initiatives bring the land grant mission of their university to life.

As of 2024, the Hub is transitioning from primarily focusing on the operations of community schools to taking on a supportive role for community schools in Tennessee, which includes a renewed focus on community school research, evaluation, professional development, and technical assistance to support the expansion of the community school model in the state and region. We aim to facilitate partnerships between community school lead agencies across the state and university faculty, students, and resources to continue to grow the model in Tennessee.

For a history of the UACS movement, click on the timeline icon below to download the UACS Timeline: