Resources: Common Core Math for Primary & Elementary Students & Parents

CLEE staff members partnered with the Tennessee State Personnel Development Grant to create a booklet for parents that explains the common core standards, and gives examples of what children are doing in math to meet these standards in grades K-5.
Published and distributed in march 2013, this booklet has two goals:
- to help parents understand more about what their children are learning in school, and
- to help students know if they have mastered the skills their teachers expect them to know in each grade, based on the Common Core State Standards
This booklet includes
- an explanation of what the Common Core State Standards are and why states are using them,
- the skills which will form a focus for math instruction while TN Teachers are transitioning to the Common Core State Standards,
- lists of standards and explanations for each grade level, and
- “I can do it!” checklists – short statements about the skills your children will be expected to have mastered by the end of the year. (We suggest you ask your children to look at them to see if they feel they have mastered those skills, or if they need some extra help in specific areas.)
We hope you will find this booklet helpful in your effort to be a partner in your child’s education and development.