CLEE Staff at Transition Fair – Jackson TN
Schools, organizations, families and students need supports in order for learners to achieve a seamless transition from high school to post-secondary education, vocational training or employment – especially when the transitioning student faces potential barriers such as intellectual or physical disabilities. The Center for Literacy, Education and Employment is part of nation-wide efforts to provide those supports.
As part of this work, Melvin Jackson, CLEE Transition Coordinator in West Tennessee, participated in the Jackson Madison County Transition Fair on October 27. This event was open to the community and designed to support students with disabilities by providing interagency information for parents, students, teachers, and others on transition topics such as housing, guardianship, employment, schooling, recreation, community services, and more. As part of the fair, Melvin provided information on transition and self-determination to attendees, networked with many who attended, and discussed resources available here at the Center.
Pictured at right is Melvin with Joey Ellis, the Middle Tennessee Coordinator for STEP (Support and Training for Exceptional Parents). CLEE and STEP partner on several Tennessee initiatives including providing support for students with disabilities who are transitioning to post-secondary career or college, and their families. CLEE’s Tennessee initiative with Transitions and Self-Determination for students with disabilities is funded by the Tennessee Department of Education, Division of Special Education, and the Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities.