Equal to the Task – Celebrate TN Employees with Disabilities in October!
October 2013 is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Supported by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), organizations across the country join in this month’s national campaign to raise awareness about disability employment issues and to celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. ODEP provides a wealth of resources and ideas for those wishing to support this campaign – this month and throughout the year.
The Center for Literacy, Education and Employment is proud to support National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Our Corporate Connections representatives, in conjunction with the Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services, are organizing and supporting activities across the state, including:
- Disability Mentoring
- Awards and Recognition for employers and employees
- Community Awareness events
- Employer Outreach & Education presentations
““When I was growing up, many people doubted what I could do just because I was blind. But because I had people in my life who instilled in me an expectation of work and showed me opportunities to be successful, I completed college and became known for what I can do.”
Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary of Labor for US disability employment policy
For more information about NDEAM events and opportunities in Tennessee, visit Tennessee Works or contact: Stephanie Cowherd scowherd@utk.edu