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Featured Doctoral Student


Bethany G. RandBethany Rand in the Smoky Mountains

PhD in Public Health; Exercise Science Cognate


Jacksonville, FL

Previous Education

  • Master of Science, Exercise Science and Chronic Disease, University of North Florida
  • Bachelor of Science, Public Health, University of North Florida

Awards since joining the program

  • FY21 Graduate Fellowship
    • 8/19/2020 to 5/06/2021
    • This fellowship is awarded by the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences to incoming doctoral students with research and teaching assistantships to provide support for academic success.
  • Department of Public Health Graduate Teaching Assistantship
    • 8/1/2020 to 7/31/2021
    • This assistantship is awarded to graduate students who work to support their advisors in a designated course or course(s).
  • Department of Public Health Summer Graduate Research Assistantship Grant
    • 6/1/2020 to 7/31/2020
    • This grant was awarded for the Summer 2020 semester to support academic research.

Accomplishments since joining the programBethany Rand sits on lawn, petting a dog's belly

  • Diabetes Risk Status and Physical Activity in Pregnancy: U.S. BRFSS 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017
    • First author to publication awaiting publication in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
  •  Physical Activity for Blood Glucose Control in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Rationale and Recommendations for Translational Behavioral Interventions
    • Co-author to publication that will be submitted to Diabetes & Metabolism
  •  The association of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and  positive screening for gestational diabetes in pregnancies complicated by overweight and obesity
    • First author to publication in preparation phase with plans to submit to the Journal of Physical Activity and Health 
  • The association between access to healthy foods and fruit and vegetable consumption among WIC participants: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
    • Co-author to publication in data collection phase. Protocol registered in PROSPERO.
  • The association of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and lipid levels in pregnancies complicated by overweight and obesity
    • First author in 2021 SEACSM Abstract.
  •  Project Wellness Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
    • PI: Samantha Ehrlich, Ph.D., MPH
    • Role: Research assistant
      • Conducts eligibility screening in electronic medical records, participant recruitment, record-keeping, protocol and consent edits, and participant interviews.
  • PUBH 530 Biostatistics Graduate Teaching Assistant
    • Assists with grading, helping students with labs and content outside of class, and creating/editing content in Canvas

Bethany Rand poses in front of a vineyardPersonal interests:

I enjoy hiking, cooking and baking delicious plant-based creations, watching movies, listening to podcasts, and discovering new craft breweries with my fiancé and our two dogs, Mouse and Panda. I also enjoy running, practicing yoga, and painting. I love to travel and I look forward to exploring new places again, once it is safe to do so.

Future or Vocational Goals:

By the end of my time here at UTK, I aim to establish a foundation in research in maternal and child health and to contribute to the improvement of health practices associated with pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Following attainment of a Ph.D. in Public Health, I hope to work in academia, teaching and conducting research. In ten years, I hope to extend my understanding and skills to starting a holistically integrated clinical program based on improving the health and well-being of women and girls in an underserved region of the United States and/or developing country.

What sold you on this program/department/university?

As a graduate student, I knew I wanted to continue research on physical activity in pregnancy and specifically the role it plays in gestational diabetes. I also knew that I was interested in both maternal and child outcomes. UTK was a perfect match because it had the research opportunities and a location with a climate and proximity to family that suited me for optimal success. I was sold on the program when I met with Dr. Ehrlich, my then-potential mentor, and I clicked well with her and the research that she was engaged in.Bethany Rand with dog

What do you think has been the most rewarding/challenging about this program?

The most challenging part of the program is the juggling act of maintaining academic performance while delivering quality work in my assistantship that benefits both me and my advisor. Mentally switching gears while working from home is an incredibly valuable skill that I have yet to master but I have improved upon greatly since starting this program. I think the most rewarding part of the program is when my effort, whether it be sitting down and writing, or calling a potential study participant, leads to furthering the success of the research that I am involved in.

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