Mitsunori Misawa

Mitsunori Misawa, PhD
Associate Professor, Program Co-Coordinator
Much of Misawa’s scholarly work examines the positionality of agents (faculty, students, and administrative staff) alongside policies in adult and higher education using learning theories and sociocultural concepts such as Critical Theory, Feminist Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Queer Theory to understand how agents influence each other’s educational experiences and determine the ways in which adult and higher education institutions can more effectively serve diverse populations in contemporary society.
Prior to working at UT Knoxville, Misawa was a graduate faculty member and the director of the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Memphis. He was also an assistant professor at the University of Georgia where he taught a doctoral qualitative research methods course. Misawa also worked as a training director and a policy researcher at Central State Hospital where he trained medical doctors, nurses, and administrators on state and federal policies and developed and conducted a couple of the quantitative and mixed methods policy research studies.
PhD, Adult Education, University of Georgia, 2009
Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies Graduate Certificate, University of Georgia, 2009
MEd, Adult Education, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2004
BA, Economics, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2002
Adult bullying & incivility
Intersectionality of race, gender & sexual orientation
Learners in adult, higher & continuing professional education
Positionality in social justice research & practice
Misawa, M. (Ed.). (2016). The meaning of citizenship and violation of social justice due to bullying, incivility, and the violence in adult, higher, continuing, and professional education. Proceedings from the first bullying, incivility, and violence in adult, higher, continuing, and professional education pre-conference. Charlotte, NC.
Fought, R., & Misawa, M. (2016). Effective leadership in academic health sciences libraries: A qualitative phenomenological study. Journal of Library Administration, 56(8). [Digital Editions version].
Misawa, M., & Chang, B. (Eds.). (2016). The 9th AERC Asian Diaspora Pre-Conference Proceedings.
Misawa, M. (2015). The color of the rainbow path: An examination of the intersection of racist and homophobic bullying in U.S. higher education. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 173, 93-112.
Misawa, M. (2015). Cuts and bruises caused by arrows, sticks, and stones in academia: Theorizing three types of racist and homophobic bullying in adult and higher education. Adult Learning, 26(1), 6-13.
Misawa, M., & Rowland, M. L. (Eds.). (2015). Academic bullying and incivility in adult, higher, continuing, and professional education. Adult Learning, 26(1).
Misawa, M., & Rowland, M. L. (2015). Academic bullying and incivility in adult, higher, continuing, and professional education. Adult Learning, 26(1), 3-5.
Misawa, M., & Chang, B. (Eds.). (2015). The 8th AERC Asian Diaspora Pre-Conference Proceedings.
Misawa, M. (2016, November). Developing constructionist positionalogical policy research on anti-bullying in adult, higher, continuing and professional education. Accepted for presentation at the 65th Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Albuquerque, NM.
Misawa, M. (2016, November). Investigating cyberbullying in higher education: A pilot study Accepted for presentation at the 65th Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Albuquerque, NM
Misawa, M., & Walker, A. (2016, November). A new era: Financial implications of Division I intercollegiate athletics on an institution.Accepted for presentation at the 2016 North American Association of Sports Economists Conference. Washington, DC.
Misawa, M. (2016, October). Examining the critical intersectionality of racism, heterosexism, and homophobia in academia: A queer-crit perspective of anti-bullyism to promote social justice for queer people of color in higher education. Accepted for presentation at the OUTstanding 2016 Seminar. Knoxville, TN.
Misawa, M. (2016, June). Psychosocial and positional terrorism on cyber campus environments: A pilot study on cyberbullying in higher education. Paper presented at the First Bullying, Incivility, and Violence in Adult, Higher, Continuing, and Professional Education Pre-Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Misawa, M. (2016, June). Positionalogy for social justice research: Theorizing a way to analyze sociocultural identities and power structures in adult and higher education. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Misawa, M. (2016, May). Positionalogy for sociocultural power analysis in qualitative research. Paper presented at the 12th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Misawa, M., & Walker, A. (2015, November). Who “greens” the field? An examination of donor characteristics and motivations at a Division I athletics institution. Paper presented at the 2015 North American Association of Sports Economists Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Misawa, M. (2015, November). Implementing constructionist positionalogical policy research on anti-bullying in adult higher education: A queer crit perspective. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Oklahoma City, OK.
Hughes, E. S., & Misawa, M. (2015, November). Faculty accreditation standards: A review of CAPTE’s standard for core physical therapy faculty. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Oklahoma City, OK.
Misawa, M. (2015, May). Positionalogy: Theorizing a way to analyze sociocultural power dynamics in social context in adult, higher, and continuing education. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Manhattan, KS.
Misawa, M. (2015, May). Paving the rainbow path in academia: The Asian-Queer-Crit perspectives on professional journeys in adult and higher education. Paper presented at the 8th Asian Diaspora Pre-Conference. Manhattan, KS.
Misawa, M. (2015, May). Positionalogy: A constructionist sociocultural power analysis. Paper presented at the 11th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign, IL.