ELPS Graduate Handbook
CSP Practicum Resources
Practicum Description Approval Form
Before beginning your practicum, this form needs to be completed in consultation with your practicum supervisor.
Form Deadlines
- Practicums Beginning in Fall Semester – September 1
- Practicums Beginning in Spring Semester – December 1
- Practicums Beginning in Summer Semester – April 30
Practicum Student’s Evaluation of Host Site Form
Students will complete this form AFTER completing their practicum experience with the host site. This form is confidential and will not be shared with host sites.
Form Deadlines
- Practicums Ending in Fall Semester – November 30
- Practicums Ending in Spring Semester – April 30
- Practicums Ending in Summer Semester – August 30
Practicum Supervisor’s Evaluation Form
Each student is required to complete a minimum total of 270 hours of practicum for graduation. This is typically broken into two experiences; one at 90 hours and the other totaling 180 hours. The student receives academic credit for practicum and a grade of pass/fail. The grade is based upon completion of the required hours, a presentation of their practicum work, completion of work in their practicum seminar, and your evaluation.
Thank you again for providing this opportunity. Because your evaluation is required for the student to receive their grade, please complete this form immediately after completion of the practicum
NOTE: Because this practicum is a learning experience for the student, this evaluation is not confidential. This evaluation must be reviewed with the student prior to submission. The student will have access to this evaluation, and it will become part of their academic file.
Practicum Host Only: Practicum / Internship Form
Internships/practicum experiences are important and valued requirements of the CSP Program. They allow students to learn more about a specific service area and to gain experiences in the field while serving the field. Please see the CSP Student Handbook for more information.
Offices fill this form out to advertise practicums/internships.
Master’s or Specialist Degree Resources
- Admission to Candidacy
- Revised Admission to Candidacy
- Report of Final Examination/Defense of Thesis/Project/Capstone
HEAM PhD Student Resources
- Add-On Graduate Certificates
- Tips to Identify your Research Interests
- HEAM Professional Organizations & Job Search Resources
ELPS Proposal Defense Form
Thesis/Dissertation Resources
All forms related to theses and dissertations can be found on Forms Central of the Graduate School website, including the following:
- Admission to Candidacy – Doctoral
- Revised Admission to Candidacy – Doctoral
- Admission to Candidacy – Master’s or Specialist
- Revised Admission to Candidacy – Master’s or Specialist
- PhD Committee/Revise PhD Committee
- Doctoral (Non-PhD) Committee/Revise Doctoral (Non-PhD) Committee
In addition to the traditional dissertation, The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies also now offers a 3 Article Dissertation format option for students interested in enhancing their CVs and publishing their research prior to graduation.