Jeff L. Cochran
Jeff L. Cochran, PhD
Professor, Counselor Education
Ph.D., Counseling and Student Personnel Services, Virginia Tech
M.A., Human Development Psychological Counseling, Appalachian State University
B.S./B.A., History and Secondary Education, Appalachian State University
My main line of research is child-centered play therapy as a core intervention for children struggling with abnormally aggressive behavior at a young age and their families. My research team’s interventions are often hosted by low SES schools seeking support for their most troubled children and families. Existing research is clear that persistently elevated aggressive behavior at a young age predicts escalating aggression, depression, addiction, crime, suicidality, and early death. Our intervention studies often nest child-centered play therapy as a core to multi-systemic sets of interventions addressing parent-child relationships; and teacher-child relationships, teacher wellness, and trauma informed classrooms. I also regularly join research teams with related foci and support student research projects.
Specialized Expertise
Child-centered play therapy
At-risk children, youth, and families
Counseling skills
Therapeutic relationships
Counselor development
My current service-research project is at Sunbright School of Morgan County Schools. We are serving some of the Sunbright community’s most troubled children and families with child-centered play therapy. This work is made possible by a small grant from the UT Office of Engagement and Outreach and a small grant from the East Tennessee Foundation. My research teams are pursuing much larger grants to enable us to serve all Morgan County schools and possibly surrounding counties, as well as to add teacher support and development for effective relationships with their most troubled students.
I also serve as Field Experience Coordinator for the Counselor Education programs, and I oversee our undergraduate counseling courses.