HDFS undergraduate practicum
The HDFS major concludes with an intensive field-based experience that enables students to hone practical skills and knowledge in a work setting consistent with their personal and professional goals. Applications for the practicum must be completed in March prior to the academic year in which you expect to complete practicum. An academic year is Fall, Spring, and Summer. So, complete the application in March 2025 if you intend to complete your practicum in Fall 2025, Spring 2026, or Summer 2026. HDFS Practicum prerequisites include:
- Completion of all HDFS-prefix classes with a C or greater prior to practicum
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Senior standing
- Completion of HDFS 405
Students who are pursuing Human Development and Family Science (formerly known as the Child and Family Studies Community Outreach track) will complete either HDFS 480N or 490. Given the intensive nature of the practicum placement, we encourage you to consult with your advisor and/or the practicum coordinator when considering whether to take additional courses with practicum.
Research Practicum: HDFS 490
In very special circumstances, students with strong research foundations and interests may partner with an HDFS faculty member to complete a research practicum (HDFS 490). Students interested in the research option should identify current HDFS research labs or projects of interest and consult with the corresponding faculty member.
Community Placement: HDFS 480N
The vast major of students complete a practicum in our local community. Practicum is an opportunity for students to enhance their professional and personal development by gaining practical experience in their field, exploring career interests, and learning more about individuals, families, and communities and the support services available to them.
HDFS Practicum Placement Options
International Students
If you are attending the University of Tennessee on a student visa (F-1 or J-1), you must have work authorization before participating in any practicum experience, whether it is on-campus or off-campus, paid or unpaid. Please speak with an advisor in International Student and Scholar Services (https://international.utk.edu/) to discuss work authorization as soon as possible and at least 2-3 weeks prior to beginning your practicum.
Have questions? We can help you navigate
- Interested in an HDFS major or minor (formerly Child and Family Studies)? First contact the CEHHS Office of Advising and Student Services for your preliminary advising needs. If you would like to research more about our programs or declare a major or minor, visit our Undergraduate Programs tab on the menu above.
- A current CFS-Community Outreach or HDFS student and unsure who your advisor is? Please contact our undergraduate specialist.
- Need to discuss HDFS major or minor advising needs? Meet with your advisor in the CEHHS Advising Center or contact Dr. Sally Hunter, HDFS Advising and Student Success Coordinator.
- Questions about the Interpersonal Development minor? Contact Dr. Jeff Cochran.
- Questions about HDFS internship after reviewing the materials above? Contact Ms. Robin Anderson.
- Questions about HDFS study abroad? Contact Dr. Heidi Stolz.
Quick links
- HDFS Major, BS in Health and Human Sciences
- HDFS Minor
- HDFS Courses
- Interpersonal Development Minor
- COUN Courses
- Programs Abroad
- Forms required by the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
- Forms required by the University of Tennessee
- Explore careers in HDFS
- Learn more about becoming a Certified Family Life Educator
- OneStop