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Public Health Student Association


The Public Health Student Association (PHSA) is a voluntary student organization for students enrolled in public health programs at the University of Tennessee. The PHSA allows public health  students, both new and seasoned, to develop leadership skills, enjoy time together, and develop health-promoting initiatives for the university community and beyond.

  • PHSA activities include: planning and leading the new student orientation each fall semester, participating in campus wellness events, and engaging in other service learning activities that promote health.
  • Public health students are elected each year for the positions of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
  • Associate Professor J. Chen serves as faculty adviser of the PHSA.
  • Read the Public Health PHSA bylaws here.
  • Annual Reports



2022 PHSA Officers

President: Morgan O’Brien, EPI student
Vice President: Sophie Maynard, HPM student
Treasurer and Philanthropy Chair: Imelda Gutierrez, CHE student
Anna Marie Cooksey, CHE student

Undergraduate Student Representative and PresidentQuinn Vongviengkham
Undergraduate Treasurer: Kallie Campbell