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Specialist in Education (EdS) in Teacher Education

Special Education Concentration

The Educational Specialist (EdS) degree in Teacher Education, Special Education Concentration, is an advanced professional development program in the field of special education. Typically, this program does not result in teacher licensure. However, an EdS program of studies can be developed to lead to initial licensure or an additional endorsement in special education.

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EdS in Teacher Education, Special Education Concentration Credit Hours
Required Courses (Core Area) 6
Must include one course from two of the following areas outside the concentration:

Curriculum or Leadership Anthropological; Historical; Philosophical; Social Foundation; Human Growth and Development; Pre K-4 Teaching Methodology; Instructional Technology

Concentration: Special Education courses
SPED 601– Seminar in Education of Exceptional, Diverse, and At-risk Learners 3
SPED 602 – Reading and Applying Research for Diverse Learners: Group and Correlational Approaches 3
SPED 603 – Reading and Applying Research for Diverse Learners: Single-Subject Approaches 3
SPED 604 – Reading and Applying Research for Diverse Learners: Single-Subject Approaches 3
TPTE 593 – Independent Study 3
TPTE 595 – Special Topics 3
Related Studies – must be related to focus of degree and must be outside specialty area education program 6
For Thesis Option:
TPTE 518  – Educational Specialist Research and Thesis (may be repeated for max 9 hrs credit) 6
For Non-Thesis Option:
TPTE 503 – Problems in Lieu of Thesis (may be repeated for max 15 hrs credit) 6
For Both Options:
  • Education courses at the 400-level required for licensure are not eligible.
  • At least 2/3 of the semester credit hours accumulated in the master’s.
  • All of the last 30 credit hours of coursework must be in 500- or 600-level courses.

Tara Moore, associate professor and team lead

Donna Alderman, senior lecturer and internship supervisor

Sherry Bell, professor and CEHHS Director of Literacy Initiatives

Alexis Boucher, assistant professor

David Cihak, professor

Mari Beth Coleman, associate professor and co-director of undergraduate studies

Julie Owens, assistant professor

Kristen Secora, assistant professor and audiology and speech pathology program coordinator

Cate Smith, clinical associate professor


The Special Education programs are aligned to the national standards provided by the Council for Exceptional Children, the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC), and the Behavior Analysis Certification Board.

Students completing the EdS in Teacher Education, Special Education Concentration have two options:

Thesis Option:  Students enroll in TPTE 518 (Educational Specialist Research and Thesis) for 6 credit hours. The EdS thesis must be approved by the student’s committee prior to submission to the Office of Graduate Studies for final approval and acceptance. The student must register for thesis hours during this time.

Project Option:  Students enroll in TPTE 503 (Problems in Lieu of Thesis) for 6 credit hours.

If you have questions about the program or the course of study, please contact:

Tara Moore, associate professor and instructional team lead
