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Giving to the Department

The Department of Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management is grateful for the continued generosity of its many supporters. This generosity plays a large part in the department’s ability to provide financial support for our students and faculty. Interested parties may contribute to the department’s general enrichment fund or to more specialized funds.

Unrestricted Funds

The Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management Enrichment Fund was established for the purpose of supporting faculty and student exploratory research and new instructional initiatives. The funds are distributed by the Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management Department Head only when faculty (and students who are working with faculty) submit proposals and budget justification statements that describe the purpose and need for the project and what the outcomes will be if the project is funded. Often, enrichment funds are used as seed money to support new research and teaching initiatives that lead to the preparation of much larger proposals.