UTK ERO Outreach at the SAEOPP Conference

February 21, 2024

By Karina Beltrán

On February 4, 2024, the TRIO programs at UTK ERO proudly represented our university and center at the annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (SAEOPP) in Savannah, GA. This significant event brought together over 500 TRIO professionals from across eight states, underlining the importance and impact of TRIO programs in fostering educational opportunities and support. The conference serves as a platform for sharing insights, strategies, and successes among professionals dedicated to expanding educational access and success for underrepresented students. Among the highlights were presentations from ERO Center’s very own staff, who shared their expertise and innovative approaches to addressing the unique challenges faced by their program participants.

Our Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) project director Stephanie Langley and one of our EOC educational specialists Caroline Milne, delivered a compelling presentation titled “Getting Back on Course: Closing the Education Gap for Formerly Incarcerated Adults.” Their talk focused on the critical work being done with system-involved individuals, showcasing the strategies and programs designed to reintegrate formerly incarcerated adults into educational settings. Their presentation not only highlighted the successes but also served as a guide for other TRIO programs looking to implement similar initiatives. In another session, our Academic Enrichment Upward Bound project (AEUB) director Charles White and our AEUB educational specialist Liaren Gladfelter presented “How to Teach Everything Your Students Ever Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask.” This presentation addressed the challenges of teaching difficult but necessary topics to the populations served by TRIO programs. They offered practical advice and techniques for successfully engaging students in these critical conversations, thereby enhancing their educational experience and life skills.

The SAEOPP conference was an opportunity for TRIO professionals to learn from one another, share best practices, and celebrate the achievements of programs that make a significant difference in the lives of students across the Southeastern United States. The participation of the ERO Center’s TRIO programs not only underscored their commitment to educational equity and success but also positioned them as leaders in the field, willing to share their knowledge and experience for the betterment of all TRIO initiatives.

For more information about the SAEOPP and the impactful work being done through TRIO programs, please visit https://www.saeopp.org/about-us. This conference reaffirms the essential role that these programs play in breaking down barriers to higher education and supporting students in their journey toward academic and personal success.