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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education

Special Education / Deaf Education / Interpreter Education (SPEDI) Concentration

The PhD in education with a concentration in special education, deaf education, and interpreter education (SPEDI) is designed to prepare you for a position of leadership as a special educator in a school, college, university, research settings, or human service agencies. The program is competency based, with specific emphasis on research and teaching. An individually crafted program of study consists of core requirements and an individually designed series of courses and competencies.

In addition to engaging in research activities on topics of particular interest and importance, as a doctoral student you will also have the opportunity to prepare and submit student initiated federal grant proposal applications.

You will also be encouraged to make presentations based on your graduate work at local, regional, and national conferences and make significant progress in the development of your professional portfolio before graduation. Expectations for college teaching and supervision include competency in college teaching under faculty direction.

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PhD in Education, Special Education / Deaf Education / Interpreter Education Concentration  Credit Hours
TPTE 600 24
Research Area (must include TPTE 640) 15
Core Requirements
One seminar in each of the three primary concentrations: TPTE 617,  REED 602, SPED 601 or EDDE 601. Or other course from each of the three departmental PhD concentrations as selected in consultation with and approved by doctoral committee 9
TPTE 604 1
TPTE 605 1
TPTE 612 1 minimum
Concentration: Special Education / Deaf Education / Interpreter Education courses 15
Cognate 6

Tara Moore, associate professor and special education team lead

David Smith, research professor, Deaf education / interpreter education team lead, and job-embedded practitioner co-coordinator

Donna Alderman, senior lecturer and internship supervisor, special education

Sherry Bell, professor, special education

Alexis Boucher, assistant professor, special education

David Cihak, professor, special education

Mari Beth Coleman, associate professor, special education

Jeffrey Davis, professor, Deaf education / interpreter education

Calvin Farley, lecturer, Deaf education / interpreter education

April Haggard, senior lecturer, Deaf education / interpreter education and ASL program coordinator

Julie Owens, assistant professor, special education

Megan Wylie Potts, lecturer, Deaf education / interpreter education and educational interpreting program coordinator

Kristen Secora, assistant professor, audiology and speech pathology / special education

Cheryl Shahan, clinical assistant professor, Deaf education / interpreter education and and job-embedded practitioner co-coordinator

Cate Smith, clinical assistant professor, special education

Bill Stricklen, senior lecturer, Deaf education / interpreter education

Michael Skyer, assistant professor, Deaf education / interpreter education

Kimberly Wolbers, professor, Deaf education / interpreter education

Emily Bowen, ASL Lab Coordinator (not pictured)

Minimum 72 graduate credit hours (minimum 48 graduate coursework credit hours plus minimum 24 credit hours of dissertation)

If you have questions about the program or the course of study, please contact:

Kimberly Wolbers, professor Tara Moore, associate professor
(Deaf education / interpreter education) (Special education)
Email: Email: