Congratulations to eleven undergraduate student PSA winners for Fall 2021!
601 students created PSAs on a pressing public health topic of their choice as the major class project in PUBH 201: Introduction to Public Health. The following eleven PSAs were selected based on effectively, creatively and accurately communicating their selected public health issue to an intended audience. Notice the variety of topics represented. Watch the videos, and see what communication strategies you can identify. How did the student use evidence to inform their message?
Place |
Top 11 PSA videos |
Student Name |
1 |
Inshira Bediako |
2 |
Ashleigh McKinney & Isabella Mann | |
3 |
Michael Taylor |
4 |
Natali Magill |
5 |
Lindsay Holmstead |
6 |
Madison Allen | |
7 |
Msgana Araya |
8 |
Mary Jensen |
9 |
Olivia Hurst |
10 |
Alexis Kothawala & Abigail McReynolds |
11 |
Caliyah Thompson |