Lars Dzikus

Lars Dzikus
Executive Director of Academic Affairs
Lars Dzikus has served as Executive Director of Academic Affairs of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, since August 2023. He is an Associate Professor in sport studies in the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies, where he previously served as interim Department Head (2022–2023) and Director of Graduate Studies (2012-2022). Dzikus received the Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award (2018), the department’s George F. Brady Teaching Award (2012), was a finalist for the Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award (2008) and received the K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award from the American Association for Higher Education (2005). His scholarly work focuses on sport sociology and sport history. His main research interests are in sport and globalization (e.g., diffusion of American football to Europe), sport and religion (e.g., collegiate sport chaplains), and sport and violence (e.g., sexual abuse in youth sport). Dzikus currently serves on the Executive Board of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS).
The Ohio State University – PhD Cultural Studies in Sport (2005)
The Ohio State University – MA Cultural Studies in Sport (1998)
Universität Hamburg, Germany – Undergraduate majors: Chemistry, Physical Education; minor: Education