Hollie Raynor

Hollie Raynor
Executive Associate Dean of Research and Operations
Hollie Raynor, PhD, RD, LDN, is a Professor in the Department of Nutrition. She holds a MS in Public Health Nutrition and a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a registered dietitian and a licensed psychologist. She conducts research in lifestyle interventions for pediatric and adult obesity care, has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles, and has received funding from the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, and Weight Watcher’s, Int, for her research. Translation of research into practice is an important aspect of the fields of dietetics and psychology and as such, she has served as a member of three committees developing evidence-based practice guidelines: the National Committee for Clinical Guidelines for Obesity for the American Psychological Association and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Prediabetes and Adult Obesity TreatmentEvidence Analysis Library Committees. Finally, she has served as a member of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and is the co-chair of the steering committee supporting UT’s relationship with Cherokee Health System.
University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY – PhD Clinical Psychology (2003)
University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, – MS Public Health Nutrition (1995)
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA – BS Food and Nutrition (1992)