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Portrait photo of Hollie Raynor, a white female with blond hair and wearing a black top. She is smiling in the photo.

Hollie Raynor

Associate Dean of Research


Hollie Raynor, PhD, RD, LDN, is a Professor in the Department of Nutrition. She holds a MS in Public Health Nutrition and a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and is a registered dietitian and a licensed psychologist.  She conducts research in lifestyle interventions for pediatric and adult weight management, has published over 125 peer-reviewed articles, and has received funding from the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, and Weight Watcher’s, Int, for her research.  Translation of research into practice is an important aspect of the fields of dietetics and psychology and as such, she has served as a member of two committees developing evidence-based practice guidelines: the National Committee for Clinical Guidelines for Obesity for the American Psychological Association and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Prediabetes Evidence Analysis Library Committee.

As Associate Dean of Research, her roles include:

  • Providing strategic leadership in developing and refining the CEHHS’ research mission and strategic plan to meet current and future academic, scientific, research funding, and health needs of society.
  • Developing and implementing policies and procedures, along with CEHHS’ Director of External Funding and Budget Director, that support the growth and increased quality of research, particularly externally funded research, throughout CEHHS.
  • Providing formal and informal professional development to build and improve the research capacity of all faculty in CEHHS.  This includes working with faculty to develop individual research funding plans.
  • Assisting faculty to form successful collaborative research groups that enhance new and existing research linkages, including between faculty from differing units in CEHHS, faculty and community partners, college and campus research enterprises, and local and national researchers.



Lifestyle interventions, designed to improve eating and leisure-time activity behaviors, for obesity treatment in children and adults. Examining environmental dietary factors, such as portion size, variety, and energy-density, which influence food consumption.



Portrait photo of Hollie Raynor, a white female with blond hair and wearing a black top. She is smiling in the photo.

Contact Information

  • 1215 Cumberland Avenue, 229 Jessie Harris Building
  • Phone: 865-974-9126, ext.1
  • E-mail: