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Seminar: How to secure research grants in Kinesiology and Health

Title: NSF CISE IIS CHS Medium

Speaker: Thomas A. Stoffregen, Ph.D.

Time: 9:00-10:000am (EST), November 15, 2024,

Zoom: Meeting ID: 882 4663 5354 or
Password: 011163



Dr. Thomas Stoffregen received a BA in Psychology from Oberlin College (1979) and a PhD

in Human Experimental Psychology from Cornell University (1984). He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Flight Simulation Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton OH, and worked as a Human Factors Engineer for a consulting firm that participated in early design work on the International Space Station. He has had faculty appointments at the University of Alabama, The University of Cincinnati, and the University of Minnesota, where he holds graduate faculty appointments in Kinesiology, Engineering, and Psychology. His research has been funded by NSF, NIH, the European Commission, and Medtronic Inc. On Google Scholar he has over 15,000 citations, with an h-index of 58 and an i10-index of 145. He has served on review panels for NIH and NSF, and other funding agencies. He is a Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology.