The Office of Assessment and Strategic Initiatives is seeking a graduate research assistant to provide research support, assistance with strategic planning, and generation of reports. A successful candidate must be a PhD student, and students in the following areas are particularly preferred: communication and information, data science and engineering, educational psychology and research, and higher education and administration. Get more information on this position, including how to apply.
The Office of Information Technology is seeking a graduate teaching assistant in Instructional Support & Training (Visual Design). This position, which is a twelve-month, half-time appointment, carries a stipend and a waiver of tuition and maintenance fees, including the summer session. To apply, email Rachael Stanley at rachael@utk.edua link to your online resume and portfolio and include a cover letter in the text of your email. In the email subject line, type “OIT Job Inquiry – Graduate Teaching Assistant.” Get the full position description at the OIT website.