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UT’s Early Learning Center preschool Demonstration Teacher Kathryn Humber offers some tips for working from home while caring for young children along with some ideas for engaging children during the extended break.


A change in routine with increasing independence can be particularly difficult for individuals who have executive functioning deficits, such as students diagnosed with ADHD or an autism spectrum disorder. Executive functioning relates to self- and work-management (things like time awareness, priority setting, organization, and memory). Learning remotely has many advantages, but can move away from the accountability, predictability, and controlled environment (like that quiet study floor in the library) college students grow accustomed to during the typical college semester. Here are some tips from the Carolyn Blondin, Ph.D. – Korn, Learning, Assessment, and Social Skills (KLASS) Center for setting up routines, creating and maintaining a distraction-free learning environment, and enhancing work skills during times of remote learning.


Craig Howard in Educational Psychology and Counseling recently wrote a “Tips for teaching in ZOOM” with UT media center’s John Kennedy.  This blog has dozens of other posts about online learning, but it is mostly geared to graduate learning.

Homeschooling During a Pandemic, by PhD candidate, Macy Halladay in Child and Family Studies, and Jennifer Ward from Family and Consumer Sciences Department at the UT Institute of Agriculture, share the history of homeschooling and recommendations to help you and your children find the most success as they learn and grow.

Guidance for Faculty Teaching Online, published by Mehmet Aydeniz, professor in STEM Education and Science, offers guidance and a template for faculty and GTAs on how to approach online instruction.


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