Register for EFF Preparing for Work Training, Knoxville, TN: June 9-10, 2015
Prepare your clients for success in entry-level employment!
Register online NOW! Registration deadline is May 25th, 2015.
Preparing for Work, developed by Equipped for the Future at the Center for Literacy, Education & Employment, University of Tennessee, is a skills-based course designed for implementation in organizations and agencies involved in preparing their clients and students for entry level work. Each of the instructional modules that comprise the Preparing for Work course has integrated the specific SCANS tasks (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Basic Skills) and the EFF Content Standards, identified on the National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) profile.
Video: Hear what employers, teachers and learners have to say about this program!
During this hands-on one-and-a-half day training, participants will engage in activities designed to support their:
- Understanding of the purpose and organization of the curriculum, and its critical features;
- Facilitation of activities from each curriculum module;
- Evaluation of ways the curriculum can be integrated into their current practice; and
- Development of a preliminary plan for implementation
Each participant will receive the following materials:
- a copy of the Preparing for Work Curriculum instructor’s guide,
- a copy of the Preparing for Work Curriculum student manual, and
- a master copy of student materials on CD.
Cost for the one-and-a-half day training is $750 per person.
All meals and travel costs are the responsibility of the participant.
For agenda, travel details and more information; or to register online, visit: