About the Faculty Mentoring Council
The Faculty Mentoring Council (FMC) began in 2009, under the leadership of Amos Hatch, professor of urban multicultural/teacher education, with the mission of overseeing mentoring practices in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS), as well as determining best practices for the conducting of mentoring activities.
The purpose of the Faculty Mentoring Council is to provide overarching support, guidance, and opportunities to the College in general, and mentors/mentees specifically, to facilitate professional development within the university that includes a focus on, but is not limited to, the tenure and promotion process.
To carry out the purpose the FMC, we work closely with the CEHHS administration, all department heads, the CEHHS Senate, university-based Commissions, and the Faculty Mentoring Program sponsored by the Office of the Provost to promote meaningful and effective faculty mentoring practices.
The FMC is comprised of one faculty representative from each of the eight departments in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS). The represented departments include the Departments of Child and Family Studies; Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Educational Psychology and Counseling; Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies; Nutrition; Public Health; Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management; and Theory and Practice in Teacher Education. Each representative holds the rank of Associate Professor or higher and has experience mentoring tenure and promotion seeking faculty.
The FMC has two ex-officio members, the President of the CEHHS Faculty Senate and the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs.
Annually, the FMC is responsible for coordinating the Pre-Tenure Faculty Reception and Mentor-Mentee Wine & Cheese Reception held during the fall and spring semesters, respectively. Additionally, the FMC participates in the orientation for new CEHHS faculty held in August of each year.
- Conduct a needs assessment related to mentoring that includes mentors and mentees in the College.
- Develop a list of recommendations for successful mentoring of junior faculty.
Mentor-Mentee Relationships
Current Articles
Mentoring 101
Tips for Pre-Tenure Faculty