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2020 Faculty and Staff Recognition Ceremony Awards

During a normal year, the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences would celebrate their outstanding faculty and staff at the Annual Faculty/Staff Recognition Ceremony. With the COVID-19 pandemic, things are a little different this year. Instead, we celebrated with a virtual reception led by our dean, Ellen McIntyre, who shared the following exciting awards.

This Year’s Recipients:

Awarded to a faculty member or team in the Department of Nutrition to promote the College’s mission through innovative teaching.

Ahmed Bettaieb

Used for faculty enrichment and development in the health or human sciences areas of Child and Family Studies; Nutrition; Public Health; or Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management.

Samara M. Akpovo

Awarded to a faculty member in the health or human sciences areas of Child and Family Studies; Nutrition; Public Health; or Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management. This award is based on superlative research, teaching, or service.

Sejin Ha

Awarded to an outstanding faculty member who is involved in the preparation of teachers, administrators, or others entering the field of education. The faculty member shall have a distinguished record in teaching, research, or community service or any combination of the three.

Judson Laughter

Awarded annually to a staff member who has executed their duties in an exemplary manner in support of those programs which prepare “teachers, administrators, or others entering the field of education.

Dawn Hawkersmith

Awarded to a full-time faculty member or team within the departments of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Educational Psychology and Counseling; Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies; or Theory and Practice in Teacher Education.

Zoi Traga-Philippakos

Awarded to a full-time faculty member or team within the departments of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Educational Psychology and Counseling; Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies; or Theory and Practice in Teacher Education.

Leala Holcomb-Student
Kimberly Wolbers-Faculty

Recognizes a department-level non-exempt staff person who has provided exceptional contributions to his/her department (going above and beyond job expectations to accommodate students and faculty, contributing to a positive and supportive work culture and environment).

Teresa Allmon

Awarded to a faculty member who has mentored other faculty, especially tenure-track faculty, providing counsel, guidance, support and encouragement in their department, the college, and/or the university.

Christopher Skinner

Awarded to a faculty member who exhibits excellence in teaching secondary education.

Stewart Waters[/collapse title]

Awarded to a faculty member in the health or human sciences areas of Child and Family Studies; Nutrition; Public Health; or Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management. This award is based on superlative research, teaching, or service.

Guoxun Chen

Awarded to a faculty member in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences related to the preparation of teachers involved in K-12 education. This award serves to highlight outstanding research and teaching efforts.

Lynn Hodge

Awarded to recognize current and past accomplishments or future projects of one outstanding faculty member for excellence in teaching, research, and/or service efforts within any College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences area.

Jeff Fairbrother

Awarded to a faculty member who exemplifies the values, embraces the vision, and executes the mission of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences through providing academic excellence to the undergraduate and graduates with whom they interact. As research can positively impact the academic careers of all students, preference shall be given to faculty who demonstrate distinction in this area.

Sarah Colby

Awarded to recognize current/past accomplishments or future projects of one outstanding faculty member for excellence in teaching within any area of CEHHS.

Stefanie Benjamin

Awarded to recognize current/past accomplishments or future projects of one outstanding faculty member for research excellence within any area of CEHHS.

Scott Crouter

Awarded to a faculty or staff member in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences who has provided exemplary leadership and service in the area of outreach, engagement, and service learning.

Diane Booker


Jana Spitzer

Faculty and Staff Service Awards

Robyn Brookshire
Kathryn Humber
Judson Laughter

Tara Moore
Sonja Spell
Ling Zhao

Jim Bemiller
JoAnn Cady
Lisa Crawford
Eugene Fitzhugh
Susan Groenke

Julie Grubaugh
Theresa Hopkins
James Remington
Bob Rider
Heidi Stolz

Joel Diambra
Kristin Rearden

Chris Skinner

Stephanie Cowherd
Colleen Gilrane

Nancy Thomas

Charles Corum

Bonnie Maples

Judy Loveday

Patricia Davis-Wiley

This Year’s Retirees:

Blanche O’Bannon

Pattie Davis-Wiley[/half]

CEHHS Faculty and Staff Recognized at the 2020 Chancellor’s Banquet