Faculty members in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences attended the first annual Teaching and Learning Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI). The TLISI is part of an effort to increase student access to experiential learning opportunities and expand the use of evidence-based teaching strategies in courses across campus. Faculty received training on inclusive teaching strategies, elements of course design, assessment, experiential learning risk management, technology in the classroom, and other topics. After the institute, they received awards to redesign their course to fit the requirements of experiential learning or evidence-based learning.
Faculty members in attendance were Jeffrey Graham & Jedediah Blanton from Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies; Robin Anderson from Child and Family Studies; and Heejin (Jeanie) Lim and Stefanie Benjamin from Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management. Benjamin provided expertise as one of the faculty mentors during the institute.
More information about the TLISI and their mission can be found on the Teaching and Learning Innovation website. A full list of designated courses can be found on the Experience Learning Initiative website.