The College of Education, Health and Human Sciences congratulates four faculty members in our college as their projects were chosen as recipients of the Office of Research and Engagement 2018 Research Seed funding.
Faculty in the departments of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, Child and Family Studies, and Nutrition were chosen as three of the twenty-three projects from the faculty of UT Knoxville and the UT Space Institute. The funding program was launched in October, 2017 and serves as a catalyst to help generate proposal submissions to specific sponsors or around a particular initiative.
Recipients are:
Community Engaged Research Seed Program
- Lynn Hodge, associate professor of mathematics education, for her project, “Mathematizing, Visualizing, and Power: Students Creating Statistical Literacies through Popular Representations”
Community Engaged Research Seed Program
- Megan Haselschwerdt, assistant professor of Child and Family Studies and director of the Family Violence Across the Lifespan Research Team, for her project, “Family Studies Assessing Intimate Partner Violence Victims’ Help-Seeking Needs and Experiences”
NIH Preliminary Results Research Seed Program
- Julia Jaekel, associate professor of Child and Family Studies and co-director of the Early Experiences Research Center, for her project, “Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Follow-Up Study”
NIH Preliminary Results Research Seed Program
- Dallas Donohoe, assistant professor of Nutrition as a co-principal investigator with Jeremiah Johnson, assistant professor of microbiology, for their project, “Mechanism of Campylobacter persistence of young children in low-resource settings and its impact on gastrointestinal health and metabolism”
This is the first year ORE has awarded internal funding through the Research Seed Program. Grant recipients were selected by evaluation panels comprised of UT faculty and external program officers (if appropriate) related to each category. The panels then scored and recommended proposals for funding.