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future ut 2016

FUTURE Program Accepting Applications for 2017-18 Academic Year

The FUTURE Post-Secondary Education Program located in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences is now accepting applications for the 2017-18 academic year. FUTURE, a two-year course of study, empowers students to achieve gainful employment in the community.

Young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities enrolled in the FUTURE program receive assistance in making a successful transition from high school to adult life.  They receive assistance with career counseling, development of academic, vocational, and decision making skills.  Successful completion of the program results in a vocational certificate.

For more information about the program and how to apply, please visit their website. Any questions, please contact the FUTURE program at 865-974-9176.

*Students requiring assistance with development of basic academic sills or the social skills needed to succeed in school, requiring post-secondary autism support services may visit our Korn Learning, Assessment, and Social Skills Center (KLASS) for assistance if they do not meet the requirements for the FUTURE program.