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Joshua Kenna,

CEHHS Welcomes New Faculty: Joshua Kenna in Theory & Practice in Teacher Education

Joshua Kenna is an assistant professor in the Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education and earned his PhD from the University of Central Florida. Joshua taught secondary social studies, including American History, World History, and Geography in Florida for several years before getting his doctorate. He was Social Studies Teacher of the Year for his school and participated in several leadership roles including the literacy council and AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination.

He served as an Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas Tech for a year. Joshua’s research interests include the teaching and learning of social studies particularly through film, social issues, experiential learning (such as field trips and service learning projects) and literacy. He is currently examining how social studies teachers use field trips to enhance the curriculum. Joshua serves as a co-conference coordinator for the International Society for the Social Studies.

Joshua’s contact information:

Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
A107 Jane and David Bailey Education Complex
1126 Volunteer Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37996-3442