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Samantha F. Ehrlich

CEHHS Welcomes New Faculty: Samantha F. Ehrlich, Department of Public Health

Samantha F. Ehrlich is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health.  Samantha earned both her MPH in maternal and child health and PhD in epidemiology, concentrating on reproductive and perinatal epidemiology, from the University of California Berkeley. Her research area is gestational diabetes and the impact of pregnancy glucose levels on subsequent cardiometabolic risk for the mother and child.  Samantha’s current work examines potential programming for childhood obesity by pregnancy exposures, particularly physical activity during pregnancy.

Samantha recently received a K01 award from NIH and NIDDK for her five-year project focusing on physical activity in pregnancy for intergenerational obesity prevention.

Samantha’s contact information:

Samantha F. Ehrlich
Department of Public Health
369 Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building
1914 Andy Holt Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-2700